Friday, March 5, 2010

Giving Birth . . . To My Website, Finally!

Of course, I love all of my children. Some of them were easier to "deliver" than others. My first, Allie, I labored for 3 days to give birth. Yes, THREE days.

Well, I'm giving birth again. This time to my fourth child, Vickery Photography. I'm starting a new adventure and seem to have been laboring for months now trying to give birth. Hopefully, the web-master gods will do there part, and I will be going "LIVE" soon. In fact, if you're reading this blog then we have a brand-new, bouncy, baby...

Do me a favor and tell all your friends!

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog Amie, it's very thought provoking and the clarity of the colors together are amazing.
